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Whipped Cream Frosting | 淡奶油糖霜
RMB 20 / Dozen 打

Quantity:       Dozen 打
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Dont really like frosting? We offer lightly sweetened whipped cream as an alternative to our traditional American buttercream frosting. Please note this option may not be available during Shanghais hot and humid summer months. By selecting this option, one dozen of the cupcakes in your order will be frosted with whipped cream unless you instruct otherwise under the "Special Instructions" section of the order process. If you are ordering more than one dozen cupcakes and want more than one dozen to have the whipped cream, you will need to order more than one unit of this selection.
Cake Base Type: Frosting Type:
Decoration Type: Sweetness Level(0 lowest-5 highest): 0
Size: Suggested Serving Size:
Storage Rec:
copyright 2010 sweet ever after
沪ICP备 09003579号
sweet ever after ︱tel (21) 6255-5512︱fax (21) 6255-5513
14 YuYao Road Bldg 20 Unit 104.The New Factories,Shanghai,China
中国 上海市 静安区 余姚路 16号 20号楼 104室